APIGET /users/<username>
Gets metadata about the user. Returns a user object.
GET /users/<username>/projects
Gets a list of projects that have been shared by the user. Note that it returns oldest projects first; use offset
to find more recent projects.
Returns an array of project objects. Limited to 40 results per request, but returns 20 by default.
GET /users/<username>/projects/<projectID>
Gets a specific project created by the user, given its unique project ID. Returns a project object.
GET /users/<username>/studios/curate
Gets a list of studios that the user curates. Returns an array of studio objects. Limited to 40 results per request, but returns 20 by default.
GET /users/<username>/favorites
Gets a list of projects that have recently been favorited by the user. Returns an array of project objects. Limited to 40 results per request, but returns 20 by default.
GET /users/<username>/followers
Gets the users that are following the user. Returns an array of user objects. Limited to 40 results per request, but returns 20 by default.
GET /users/<username>/following
Gets the users that the user is following. Returns an array of user objects. Limited to 40 results per request, but returns 20 by default.
GET /users/<username>/following/studios/projects
Gets a list of projects that have recently been added to studios that the given user is following. Returns an array of project objects. Requires authentication.
GET /users/<username>/following/users/loves
Gets a list of projects that have recently been loved by users that the given user is following. Shows up as “Projects Loved by Scratchers I’m Following” on the front page. Returns an array of project objects. Requires authentication.
GET /users/<username>/following/users/projects
Gets a list of projects that have recently been shared by users that the given user is following. Returns an array of project objects. Requires authentication.
GET /users/<username>/following/users/activity
Gets events that show up in the “What’s Happening” feed on the front page. Returns an array of activity event objects. Requires authentication.
GET /users/<username>/messages
Gets the content of all messages the user has (including both read and unread ones). Returns an array of message objects. Limited to 40 results per request, but returns 20 by default. Requires authentication.
GET /users/<username>/messages/count
Gets the number of notifications the user currently has (this is the bubble-number displayed in the navigation bar).
Returns an object in this format:
"count": /* Number of messages the user currently has */
GET /users/<username>/projects/<id>/comments
Gets a list of top-level comments created on the project. Returns an array of comment objects. Limited to 40 results per request, but returns 20 by default.
(References: redux/project-comment-actions.js
, views/preview/project-view.jsx
GET /users/<username>/projects/<id>/comments/<id>
Gets a single comment. Returns a comment object.
(References: redux/project-comment-actions.js
, views/preview/project-view.jsx
GET /user/<username>/projects/<id>/comments/<id>/replies
Gets a list of replies to a top-level comment on the project. Returns an array of comment objects. Limited to 40 results per request, but returns 20 by default.
(References: redux/project-comment-actions.js
#1, redux/project-comment-actions.js
#2, redux/project-comment-actions.js
#3, views/preview/project-view.jsx
Comments are sent and deleted through the /proxy API: